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How big can be the package I want to send by Úschovna?
You can send packages up to 4 GB (older versions of Internet Explorer are limited to 2 GB).
Co je Premium zásilka?
Pokud potřebujete poslat zásilku větší než 30 GB, nebo ji mít uloženou na Úschovně déle než 14 dní, pak je pro vás Premium zásilka to pravé. Za jednorázový poplatek umožňuje také neomezený počet stažení, takže link na zásilku můžete pohodlně poslat, komu zrovna potřebujete.
Jakým způsobem mohu za Premium zásilku zaplatit?
Zásilku je možné zaplatit buď pomocí sms, nebo online platbou. Poté, co zaškrtnete ve formuláři na odeslání zásilky Premium zásilku, systém vás jednoduše navede, jak postupovat.
Can I delete the package in advance?
We will send you an email after the package is stored on Úschovna. Here, you will find a button "delete package" that will allow you to delete the package even before the time of storage expires.
The storage time of my package has expired. Can I recover it?
If your package is still on the back-up server, click on the package URL and the system will tell you how to recover it. This servise is charged. You can pay by SMS or online payment. If nothing happens, the package was deleted separately.
Can I send the whole folder or just files?
Folders can be sent only in compressed version(zip).
When I send the package to more recipients, can all of them see who received the package?
Package URL is sent to recipients separately. Recipient address always has only one user.
Is it possible to edit stored package?
No package that was stored on Úschovna can be edited. You can not add recipients or extend the time of storage.
Is Úschovna safe? Can I search through the packages?
All data sent by Úschovna are classified. Only sender and authorized recipients will be given the code. Every authorized recipient will be given his/her unique code. Unauthorized subject will not be given any code and the search throught the packages will not be allowed.
Can I send the package to more recipients?
Yes. To send package to more recipients, type in their email addresses in "recipient email" input. Separate the individual addresses by comma or new line.
Do I have to register to use Úschovna?
No, you do not need to register if you want to upload or download packages. Register for free and you will have complete control over your packages and payments. You can also pay for packages with credit on your account. As a registered user, you will send packages cheaper.
terms of use
please fill in the package code